We have 11 people who have given their verbal committment. Six have paid their entrance fee.
Only four have offered thier opinion on the team name. Two votes for Wile Coyote's road runners and two for Purple sunami of fury. If you have any other ideas please let us know ASAP.
We are starting to get somewhat of a picture as to what legs people would like to run. We are also trying to think about trying to keep friends together in the vans.
Any feedback is greatly appreciated.
We will be printing out individual race entry forms and getting them to you soon.
Happy training!!
Patty and Harald
Harald, I can do the "speed" trial if no one else has volunteered. Patti indicated that there are some prizes to the winner, but you never know who might enter.
Har, when you said the legs are being determined can you let me know who is doing what? Brandee will give you a check on Friday at work. Thanks, Ehren
Harald, I have a head lamp and can get as many reflective vests that we need from work. My vote for the name is Dirty Dozen assuming that we get a 12th person. I don't want to wear purple. Ehren
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