Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Spokane to Sandpoint 2011

Welcome to the 2011 race.
First off, allow me to apologize for my lack of participation this year. Working part time for BumbleBar and starting my own business has really filled my time!
That said, it is time to start talking about Van assignments, leg assignments and all the other various team management issues.
Van assignment has been determined and texts or other messaging has informed you all of your place...but in the interest of clarity here it is:
Van One Van Two
Harald Brandee
Ron Ehren
Ben Scott
Paul Carrie
Terry Lisa
Lara open (Jeff?)

We realize that not everyone is happy with the van assignments but ask that you understand we do our best to be accommodating to everyone. Thank you for your flexability.

Registration: I hope you have gotten a chance to head over to the web site and register. Click on register on line. Create an Active account if you don't already have one. Click on drop down menu for teams and choose Wyle E. Coyote's Road Runners. The race organizers have requested that you register ASAP so they can order the race shirts. The team has been paid for and most of you have already gotten your money to us. There will be no request for money when you register, if there is you are in the wrong place.

Leg Assignments: Many of you have been talking among yourselves about which legs you would like. The only leg I officially know is called for is runner six. This will go to Ben in van one due to his working a night shift before the race and needing some sleep. Please continue to talk with your van mates about legs you would like. It would also be helpfull if you could email me at and let me know your top three picks. I will then post them for all to see. Please take a look at the various contests that occur throughout the race. It would be great if those runners choosing legs would participate in the contests. Lets get some team spirit!! Have fun with these guys!
That's it for now. I will post again soon.
Hope you are all training hard!!
Happy running!!!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

2010 S2S

Here we go again!!!
Thanks to all who have already paid their registration fee. A big thanks to Brandee who provided us with a code for$100 off registration. There has been lots of talk about people switching vans this year. Previous years Van 2 people would now be in Van 1 and vice versa.
Most seem to be okay with this switch.
Harald and I made an executive decision and switched back to the original team name of "Wile E. Coyote's road runners".
I will put up a poll as to who wants to switch vans this year. Your next step is to go to website and register as individuals. Just go to and register as individual on our team. There is no need to put down your choice of legs to register.
Hope everyone is training hard and looking forward to another great race!!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Van Assignments

Hey all, We are officially registered as the "Dropping Dueces".
Here are our tentative van assignments. Please review and let us know if you have any problems where you are assisgned. Take a look at the legs and let me know which you would prefer. The only leg currently spoken for is leg 6.
Van 1
Scott N
Van 2
Please register with our team online if you haven't already done so. Also, for those of you who haven't paid please send us paymnet ASAP so we can pay card we used to register.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

team name 2009

The team name for 2009 is officially "Dropping Dueces" We will register team this week and let you know when you can register individually.
Each runner's cost is $75. Please get this money to Harald ASAP or mail to
Patty Groenen
2405 S. Tekoa
Spokane, wa, 99203

This will help us will covering reg. fee.
Keep training!!! More news to come soon!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Spokane to sandpoint 09

Hello all!!!
Well it's that time again. Time to vote on team name and get our team registered. Welcome back to last year's team members and welcome to the new members(you know who you are, and I will be posting names soon).
Harald has given me a couple of name suggestions. One was just far too gross(smells like tuna) sorry to those of you who suggested it. The second is "That's a tasty hill" in reference to a comment Harald made last year. I still want to include "road runners" as a suggestion.
You can blog or e-mail me any suggestions. I suppose to be completely democratic I will include ALL suggestions(including tuna).
I will once again be co-ordinating registration and other things as my "non-running" participation.
Hope you are all running!!!
Looking forward to another fun event!!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Tips from race handbook

Here is an excerpt from the race handbook...hope you have time to read it all.

  1. Learn the course before you run.
  2. Plan legs based on ability.
  3. Consider recruiting a pacer (on foot or bicycle) for night sections if that will help you feel more comfortable.
  4. Have cell phones in each Van and make sure they’re charged. Communication between Vehicles is paramount in this race as you trade turns racing.
  5. Help your runners by periodically stopping at pull outs to see if they are ok. Stop at difficult turns to make sure runners stay on course.
  6. Have a plan if you accidentally get off route. Last year one of our directors was doing another race and a turn sign was hidden behind a parked car. He didn’t see it and ended up running 2 miles before his crew got him back on course. Running with a cell phone may be helpful during night sections.
  7. Bring sleeping gear and try and catch a few hours of rest at the Major Exchanges.
  8. Cheer on and encourage the other teams.
  9. Bring extra running clothes, lots of water, and warm gear for night.

This race will ultimately be as FUN as your team makes it. Show some team spirit, cheer on your teammates, and have an outrageous time. We have provided the platform for a truly unique racing experience; it is up to you to make it happen!

Race lineup

Wanted to post the race line up for you all. Here it is!!
Van 1
Runner 1--Scott D.
Runner 2--Scott N.

Van 2

Our start time is seven am at the top of Mt. spokane. Runners 1-6 will need to be there. Those of you in van 2, runners 7-12 have to be at first major exchange. Good can sleep in!!!! Brandee and Ehren will get t--shirts made for us, we need to get your sizes.
DJ will be driving van 2 so please contact her regarding where you will meet before race. Her number is 208-687-8833
Harald will be driving van one so arrange with him for meeting 509-216-0558, 509-747-9082
Please be thinking about what you will bring for self for food and fluids. Also may want to bring blanket and pillow to catch some zzz...s along the way.
Feel free to call with any questions.