Monday, August 4, 2008

Tips from race handbook

Here is an excerpt from the race handbook...hope you have time to read it all.

  1. Learn the course before you run.
  2. Plan legs based on ability.
  3. Consider recruiting a pacer (on foot or bicycle) for night sections if that will help you feel more comfortable.
  4. Have cell phones in each Van and make sure they’re charged. Communication between Vehicles is paramount in this race as you trade turns racing.
  5. Help your runners by periodically stopping at pull outs to see if they are ok. Stop at difficult turns to make sure runners stay on course.
  6. Have a plan if you accidentally get off route. Last year one of our directors was doing another race and a turn sign was hidden behind a parked car. He didn’t see it and ended up running 2 miles before his crew got him back on course. Running with a cell phone may be helpful during night sections.
  7. Bring sleeping gear and try and catch a few hours of rest at the Major Exchanges.
  8. Cheer on and encourage the other teams.
  9. Bring extra running clothes, lots of water, and warm gear for night.

This race will ultimately be as FUN as your team makes it. Show some team spirit, cheer on your teammates, and have an outrageous time. We have provided the platform for a truly unique racing experience; it is up to you to make it happen!

Race lineup

Wanted to post the race line up for you all. Here it is!!
Van 1
Runner 1--Scott D.
Runner 2--Scott N.

Van 2

Our start time is seven am at the top of Mt. spokane. Runners 1-6 will need to be there. Those of you in van 2, runners 7-12 have to be at first major exchange. Good can sleep in!!!! Brandee and Ehren will get t--shirts made for us, we need to get your sizes.
DJ will be driving van 2 so please contact her regarding where you will meet before race. Her number is 208-687-8833
Harald will be driving van one so arrange with him for meeting 509-216-0558, 509-747-9082
Please be thinking about what you will bring for self for food and fluids. Also may want to bring blanket and pillow to catch some zzz...s along the way.
Feel free to call with any questions.

Friday, July 11, 2008

individual registration

Ok...We were hoping you could all go on-line and fill out your individual race entries. Just choose our team, Wiley Coyote's road runners when you register. Please e-mail me when registration is complete so I can keep track.
Second, they have changed all of the legs of the race. Please take a look at them and let us know if you have a preference, keep in mind the contests. I would love to see us participate!
Happy training,

Monday, June 16, 2008

Team BBQ

It is official...The team name is Wile E. Coyote's road runners. Sorry to the four Dirty Dozen voters. We almost decided on Wile E. Coyote's dirty dozen but thought that would be a bit too much. LOL
We would like to try and organize a team BBQ to get to know each other, get individual entries filled out etc.
How is everyone's schedule this coming Sunday looking? We thought we could do bring your own meat and each bring snacks, drinks, desserts to share? Would 12PM at liberty lake park work for everyone. Bring your kids and swimsuits.
Let us know and feel free to offer suggestions.
Talk to you all soon.
Patty and Harald

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Team name

We seem to have it narrowed down to two choices for the name. Wile Coyote's road runners and dirty dozen. I am rooting for road runners. Just seems an easier team name to work with as far as theme goes(for van decor, shirts etc.)
Will finalize this week and register. Please vote!!
We have our 12th member, Mary...Welcome!
Have a great week!
Patty and Harald

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Where we are

We have 11 people who have given their verbal committment. Six have paid their entrance fee.
Only four have offered thier opinion on the team name. Two votes for Wile Coyote's road runners and two for Purple sunami of fury. If you have any other ideas please let us know ASAP.
We are starting to get somewhat of a picture as to what legs people would like to run. We are also trying to think about trying to keep friends together in the vans.
Any feedback is greatly appreciated.
We will be printing out individual race entry forms and getting them to you soon.
Happy training!!
Patty and Harald

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Here is your team

These are the folks who have committed so far:












There is a wide range of ages and running abilities from beginners to marathoners. It seems like a great mix!

Again...we need to come to a consensus on a team name and get our $75 checks in so that we can register the team and pay the $900 fee. Please make the check out to Harald Groenen and give it to him or you can mail it to

2405 s. tekoa st
Spokane, WA 99203

This way we can make one payment to the relay.

We also have three course volunteers:




Start thinking about what your average pace is so we can give an estimate in our application. This is just to adjust for the staggered start....NO Pressure!!

Hope to hear from you all soon!

Patty and Harald

Monday, May 19, 2008

Training and inspiration

Here is a handy dandy training plan Harald found. There are two training plans here. He also wanted to post an inspirational article. Hope they help!!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

What we have...what we need

First off for those of you who would like to check out the website with all the juicy details about the different legs of the relay, fun contests and great prizes, gear needed and rules...the website is

So far we have at least one van, probably two. I am looking to Grandma to watch the kiddos so I can drive our van but our van will be available regardless. Hopefully we will also have DJ and Chads van?! We have one committed volunteer and 6 commited runners. You can look up the supply list yourselves but some of the other items are:

  • At least two reflective vests, 4 would be better

  • 1 more headlamp for night legs

  • 2 bikes and happy volunteers to ride them(to escort night runners)

  • bike racks for vans

  • roof case for vans if possible(I have a hunch there will be a lot of gear)

These are the things that come to mind right now. Please look over the legs and think about what would work the best for you. Although this is a "no pressure" race it would be fun to have people who are willing to go all out for the contests(ie. best costume, brightest costume)

The prizes for these contests look pretty good and the whole team benifits!

By the way, this blog and organizing is my way of getting to be involved in this race. I look forward to meeting you all!


Welcome to the team!

Welcome to our blog. We need to come up with a team name very soon. Some ideas that have been proposed are:

  1. Mixed Nuts
  2. embaressed
  3. Motley Crew
  4. Healthy Addiction
  5. Wile E. Coyote's road runners
  6. Purple tsunami of fury
  7. Dirty Dozen

Looking for any feedback or suggestions you may have.

If you are a "for sure" committed team member please get a check for $75 to Harald ASAP. We will register team and pay full $900 fee and will need to be reimbursed.

We are also looking for 2 more course volunteers. If we do not have 3 volunteers total we are required to pay an extra $200 for race entry.

I hope you are as excited as we are for this relay.

Happy training!!

Patty and Harald